Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi aliquet et ligula ac dignissim. Ut id magna nisl. Maecenas libero metus, dapibus at ex at, suscipit tristique nulla. Curabitur facilisis lectus sed augue fringilla lobortis. Sed suscipit, dui id rutrum tincidunt, lectus ante interdum est, in finibus dolor magna quis mi. Proin suscipit sit amet ligula id maximus. Sed malesuada rhoncus arcu, at tincidunt leo vestibulum non. Phasellus ut tortor viverra, bibendum nisi quis, tristique mi. Proin iaculis sollicitudin orci non varius. Vestibulum ac quam vitae magna volutpat congue sed et neque. Praesent id laoreet enim.
Aliquam euismod justo at turpis faucibus imperdiet. Pellentesque condimentum, elit eget auctor pellentesque, erat orci auctor massa, eu convallis urna dui in neque. Quisque ac lacus in nibh ornare pharetra. Fusce turpis risus, sagittis porttitor volutpat in, porttitor sit amet risus. Curabitur tincidunt vestibulum tellus, in suscipit quam condimentum in. Integer eu purus magna. Donec accumsan aliquet felis. Curabitur sagittis sagittis elit quis iaculis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam pellentesque mauris odio, eu tempor arcu tristique vel. Donec et vulputate nisi, et iaculis arcu. Ut ac erat cursus, tincidunt massa vel, eleifend tellus. Sed turpis lorem, viverra ut nulla eget, lobortis tincidunt arcu. Quisque sit amet arcu tellus. Phasellus erat ex, molestie eget tempor eget, vulputate non diam.
Tours To Harbour House Hotel
Fancourt Golf Holiday For Locals
2 Nights Stay2 Rounds GolfThe Fancourt Golf Holiday For Locals is without a doubt the most popular golf tour for our local South Africans and unquestionably on everyone’s bucket list. The hotel offers beautiful, luxurious rooms with golf course views. Play on all 3 Gary Player-designed courses including the well-known Links, #1 in South Africa.
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Fancourt Golf Holiday
3 Nights Stay3 Rounds GolfThe Fancourt Golf Holiday is without a doubt the most popular golf resort in South Africa and unquestionably on everyone’s bucket list. The hotel offers beautiful, luxurious rooms with golf course views. Play on all 3 Gary Player designed courses including the well-known Links, #1 in South Africa.
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Garden Route Golf & Safari Tour
9 Nights Stay5 Rounds GolfThe Garden Route is a mecca for golf and safari, and host to more than 10 golf courses including the #1 in South Africa, The Links. Add to this world-class cuisine and award-winning wine and you have the perfect holiday already. End it with a Big 5 Safari and you get 2 ticks off your bucket list in one.
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Gary Player Golf Tour
9 Nights Stay6 Rounds GolfOur Gary Player Golf Tour boasts, 13 Days at 4 & 5-star luxury hotels and golf at the best Gary Player-designed golf courses in South Africa, including the top 3 at The Links, Leopard Creek, and Gary Player Country Club.
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Best of the Western Cape Tour – Ultimate Luxury
10 Nights Stay8 Rounds GolfThere is no golf tour like this one, complete with world-class golf, safaris and any other exhilarating options of your choice …. like a visit to Table Mountain, one of the 7 wonders of the World, or to a Cape Town wine farm offering a captivating mix of tranquil beauty, intimate experiences and culinary delights.
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Best of the Western Cape Tour – Luxury
10 Nights Stay8 Rounds GolfThere is no golf tour like this one, complete with world-class golf, safaris and any other exhilarating options of your choice …. like a visit to Table Mountain, one of the 7 wonders of the World, or to a Cape Town wine farm offering a captivating mix of tranquil beauty, intimate experiences and culinary delights.
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